Sunday, August 26, 2018

With His Boots On - The Loss of Senator John McCain

You would probably not find any similarities between Meghan McCain and myself. Her life has been thrust into the spotlight continually; I am a girl who is used to hiding in the shadows. She is a Republican; and on the years I feel strongly enough to choose a party, I'm a Democrat. Our political views more than likely differ on almost every plain. But there is one horrible thing we have in common; we have lost a father to cancer. Gratefully I was able to process my grief and loss without the world watching and commenting. I don't know how you do that. Standing beside someone you love in the hardest fight of their lives over months and years is so horrible I don't have words for. But to do so gracefully and with such strength as she and her family have shown in the past year is truly breathtaking. So we may not agree on much or ever meet, but in this one thing we share a "reluctant camaraderie" a similarity no one chooses but is often thrust upon us.  Below is a post I wrote about Senator McCain, his loss, and the peculiar way some on social media are choosing to support the McCain family as they cope with such a devastating loss.  To the McCain Family and Friends, you may never see this but I hope you know you are not alone and we carry those we love forever in our hearts even when they are not by our sides. 
Senator John McCain died with his boots on; he and his family fought so hard and were so inspiring during this most recent fight. Senator McCain and his family have sacrificed and worked hard for our country, our country’s future, and to defend the freedoms our Founding Fathers fought to create. Two things struck me today: as someone who has lost a father to cancer I hope that the McCain family is surrounded by love and support during these difficult days. Secondly, I hurt for my country who lost an elder statesmen that wanted us all to rise to a higher level of discussion and respect in hopes to meet and surpass any challenges our nation might face. So to read about trolls and cowards using this courageous man’s death as a vehicle to spew hatred, discord, and meanness truly sickens me. 

Who are you, who are we to allow this or say nothing in response? Where is your compassion? This country lost a hero, and he was a hero no matter what side of the aisle you stand on. But more importantly, a family is mourning a loss that will change their lives. Dig deep, find your compassion, and send your thoughts and prayers to the McCain family and all those who are mourning a loss tonight.

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